Is your guy really as "woke" as he claims to be? It's easy for someone to talk the talk, but are they really walking the walk? In today's society, being socially aware and politically conscious is more important than ever. We want to be with people who understand and respect the world around them. So, how do you know if the guy you're dating is truly the "woke bae" he claims to be? Here are 15 signs that he might not be as woke as he thinks he is.

So you've been on a few dates with this person and they seem super woke, right? But have you ever stopped to wonder if they're really as progressive as they claim to be? Maybe they have some skeletons in their closet that you don't know about. If you're curious about your date's true intentions, check out this website for some eye-opening insights. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to matters of the heart!

He only talks about social issues when it's convenient for him

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One of the biggest signs that your guy might not be as woke as he claims to be is when he only talks about social issues when it's convenient for him. If he's quick to post about the latest social justice movement on social media, but never takes the time to have real conversations about these issues in person, it might be a red flag.

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He dismisses your experiences as a woman or person of color

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If your guy dismisses your experiences as a woman or person of color, it's a major sign that he's not as woke as he thinks he is. Whether it's making jokes about your struggles or invalidating your experiences, this behavior is a clear indication that he's not as socially aware as he claims to be.

He doesn't listen to marginalized voices

Being woke means actively seeking out and listening to marginalized voices. If your guy only listens to people who look and think like him, it's a clear sign that he's not as woke as he claims to be. It's important to surround yourself with diverse perspectives and opinions, and if he's not doing that, it's a cause for concern.

He's quick to defend his privilege

Another sign that your guy might not be as woke as he thinks he is is when he's quick to defend his privilege. If he gets defensive when his privilege is called out, or tries to downplay the importance of acknowledging it, it's a major red flag. Being woke means being aware of your privilege and using it to uplift others, not defend it.

He doesn't take the time to educate himself

Being woke also means taking the time to educate yourself about social issues and marginalized communities. If your guy isn't actively seeking out information and resources to better understand these issues, it's a clear sign that he's not as woke as he claims to be. It's important to be proactive in educating yourself and having difficult conversations.

He's not open to feedback

Another sign that your guy might not be as woke as he thinks he is is when he's not open to feedback. Being woke means being open to learning and growing, and if he's not willing to listen to constructive criticism, it's a red flag. It's important to be able to have open and honest conversations about social issues, and if he's not open to feedback, it's a cause for concern.

He doesn't actively support social justice movements

If your guy claims to be woke but doesn't actively support social justice movements, it's a major sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims to be. Whether it's attending protests, donating to organizations, or amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, it's important to actively support these movements.

He's quick to tokenize or fetishize marginalized communities

Another sign that your guy might not be as woke as he claims to be is when he's quick to tokenize or fetishize marginalized communities. If he only sees people of color or LGBTQ+ individuals as a novelty or fetish, it's a clear indication that he's not as socially aware as he thinks he is. It's important to see people as individuals, not as stereotypes.

He's not actively working to dismantle oppressive systems

Being woke means actively working to dismantle oppressive systems and structures. If your guy isn't actively working to challenge and change these systems, it's a major sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims to be. It's important to be an ally and advocate for change, not just pay lip service to social issues.

He lacks empathy for marginalized communities

Empathy is a key component of being woke. If your guy lacks empathy for marginalized communities and their struggles, it's a clear sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims to be. It's important to be able to empathize with others and understand their experiences, and if he's not doing that, it's a cause for concern.

He's quick to center himself in conversations about social issues

Another sign that your guy might not be as woke as he thinks he is is when he's quick to center himself in conversations about social issues. If he's always making the conversation about him and his experiences, it's a major red flag. It's important to center the voices and experiences of marginalized communities, not your own.

He's not actively working to unlearn harmful behaviors and beliefs

Being woke also means actively working to unlearn harmful behaviors and beliefs. If your guy isn't actively working to challenge and change his own biases and prejudices, it's a clear sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims to be. It's important to be open to unlearning and relearning, and if he's not doing that, it's a cause for concern.

He doesn't use his privilege to advocate for change

If your guy isn't using his privilege to advocate for change, it's a major sign that he might not be as woke as he claims to be. Being woke means using your privilege to uplift and support marginalized communities, and if he's not doing that, it's a clear indication that he's not as socially aware as he thinks he is.

He's not willing to have difficult conversations

Lastly, being woke means being willing to have difficult conversations about social issues. If your guy isn't willing to engage in these conversations and prefers to avoid them, it's a major red flag. It's important to be able to have open and honest conversations about these issues, and if he's not willing to do that, it's a cause for concern.

So, is your guy really as woke as he claims to be? It's important to pay attention to these signs and have open and honest conversations about social issues. Being socially aware and politically conscious is more than just a label - it's a way of life. If your guy isn't living up to these expectations, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship.